Sunday, October 02, 2005


While there are many other elements in salvaging a livable world, herein I am concentrating on the trees that I believe are essential for breath.

I grew up vomiting mud, the product of the air thick with the dust, the product of a Government controlled by greed, dust now sterile, but which had once nourished 6 million buffalo.

I was 13 the day the family car rolled out of the dust and entered something I had only to this moment read about. The car stopped. Dreamlike I walked into forest. I touched my first evergreen tree. I felt the bark. I took a deep breath of the sparkling clean air and felt energy flowing into my lungs. Three months later, my first of my many arguments for the preservation of forests appeared in print: the story of my walk from a world greed had destroyed into one, at that time, still able to support life.

In Seattle's Federal Building it was my turn to speak. The room was filled to overflowing. The crowd parted. I picked up the PA system and began: I spoke of a public park, the last spot we had where we could still experience a night lit only by stars, listen for the little things that search for food at night instead of the whine and roar of traffic, and smell air perfumed with sun soaked earth and grass and trees and leaves. Boeing's Vice-President rose next. I wonder how many heard the greedy haste in his voice.

Boeing wanted it. Boeing got it. Boeing destroyed it.

My good friend, Fred Rounds, The Woodcutter of Cougar Mountain, gone now like all my other friends, hung the plaque by his door. Carved into it with meticulous craft were the words: "Please God. Protect us from more "Progress."

Tread Lightly

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Jay Inslee/DOP

Jay Inslee:

Jay: first, thank you for giving me an email address with which to contact you.

Second, we as nation and people are despised internationally. I introduced myself to a Belgian family and admitting, half embarrassed, that I was a citizen of U.S. The 7 year old child retched! The parents rolled their eyes. "How do you tell one that age that you are not the U. S." The father said. He shrugged. "But changing this is your job." When I told him about The Department of Peace, his eyes lit. "But your Congress," he remarked. "You must dispose of them first. Only the most debauched would sit with torture."

Jay, I trusted you. Working for the DOP would raise you, us, could start us up from total debauchment into respectability.

Jay, we need to wave, flaunt the DOP: You tell me you are watchdogging the cost. As nearly as I can compute it, denying the use of one DU bomb would fund the DOP.

According to Lauren Moren,, the dust from a DU bomb is very dangerous to OUR soldiers. According to her 20 years of research, it is carcinogenic, and transferrable from lungs to lungs by expelled breath. Stopping the explosion of one could prevent an epidemic of massive proportions starting with our soldiers. I entrust this to you.

I have only my hands and my keyboard. Do you know Gerri Haynes? the wisest and best. She thinks you are good: that you only need support and guidance. I offer you the little I have.

WRITER'S CREDITS: I wrote the first article published under my by-line 71 years ago. Subsequently, twenty-six earned awards. Mike Lowry, Stew Udall, Secretary of the Interior under three Presidents, and others, read my work before Congress, both national and state. Work in progress: auto-bio;editor-ready, 2 historical sequels and a collection of my weekly columns.
Emily Horswill, 3333 148st SW., Lynnwood, Wa. 98037:; 425 -741-5401

Saturday, September 03, 2005

My (Emily's) photo

This is my photo. See articles for some of my writing and history.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

DOPNeeds help/90.7fm

Rose Holland, Program Director
KSER 90.7 fm

Subject: The DOP

Dear Ms. Holland:

In September, 05, We, U. S. Citizens, sponsors for non-military efforts of settling international differences will lay before Congress a draft for establishing a Department of Peace. Yet most of our neighbors lack even name recognition: AND ON TOP OF THAT IT's a FINE news story with a history.

Three hundred years ago, his cabinet presented a draft for a Department of War to George Washington, then first President of our new Nation. According to history, President Washington waved the quill pen aside and said, "First we need a Department of Peace." He continued his argument, "If we are to develop expertise only in war, that's what we will have." And that is what we have had.

Continuous war has worn out a world designed to recycle life with endless plenty. Yet, We are now staring down into the abyss.

But, ask neighbors, "Will your Congressman cosponsor The Department of Peace?" and 99 out of 100 will stare uncomprehending. They never heard of a Department of Peace.

I recently attended the International Conference of The Tikkun Community, The Israelis for Peace and Justice. Twelve hundred people attended this effort. Yet when I wore a shirt imprinted with the logo and the words Department of Peace, I was constantly approached by people, many national icons, asking what the logo meant.

As a member of the press, I had the opportunity of approaching Rabbi Michael Lerner, Chairman of the Conference, Publisher of Tikkun Magazine and noted writer, about cosponsorship. He admitted that he had HEARD of the DOP.

Can you help us spread this information. I said I can also provide a good story and I can. Congressmen, Dennis Kucinich will present the DOP to Congress, and my friend Dennis's story and this, his dream, is a story of achievement over unbelievable odds. Youngsters and oldsters and everyone in between loves such stories and we have few that compete.

This is news carefully ignored by main stream media. I will attend to the The Rabbi's request for information, but DOP needs help.

WRITER'S CREDITS: I wrote the first article published under my by-line 71 years ago. Subsequently, twenty-six earned awards. Mike Lowry, Stew Udall, Secretary of the Interior under three Presidents, and others, read my work before Congress, both national and state. Work in progress: auto-bio,editor-ready, 2 historical sequels and a collection of my weekly columns.
Emily Horswill, 3333 148st SW., Lynnwood, Wa. 98037:; 425 -741-5401

Sunday, July 17, 2005

as in PI 76/7Israeli/Palestinian

All: On June 6 the P I published this.


According to Eric Nelson's story, "East Jerusalem plan provokes protest," (Thursday, June 2, by Eric Nelson) the Israelis are about to stand by and watch yet another brutal Israeli crime perpetrated against their neighbors, and I think of Ann Frank, the little Jewish girl who became a symbol of Hitler's crimes against the Jewish people. I wonder how the Israeli citizens can justify this. How can they bear watching 88 more of their neighbors homes destroyed.

I cried when I read Ann Franks story and I cringed in shame and horror at the recent story of the Jewish soldiers who tormented and threatened the Palestinian child about the same age of Ann Frank, then, when the little school girl responded, killed her. "Enough," I thought. "Surely, the Israeli citizens will stand up and shout, "Enough." But the heinous cruelty goes on. It seems the Israeli's have adapted Hitler's methods well. How much longer till the rest of the world gets involved and finds a jail cell for the Israeli crime ring.

Saturday, July 16, 2005



WITH A SIGH,THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES dipped his pen in the ink and signed the bill before him into law.
“It makes little sense to fund experts to make weapons and war when what we want is peace,” he fretted. Having recently ordered men to war the President asked the congress to design a Department for Peace. We must have armies and weapons," he agreed, but we ought to have some experts to study routes to avoid using them. But the Congress of 1776 had a new nation to set up. The DOP, although resurrected occasionally, has largely rested in the shadows for 300 years.

Instead, we have fought war following on the heels of war. developed horrible weapons and now the horror war of horrors. But in September 2005, General Washington’s DOP will have another chance. With Congressman Dennis Kucinich leading and masses following and cheering, surely, its time has come. We need to pull out every possible help to stop the War in Iraq: a war scheduled by a Rogue administration to grow, move. on continue, to destroy the earth, to sap all its life. That life includes your.

Last week Air America, radio A. M. 1090 floated a question: "How many U. S. citizens still believe that Iraq had a part in 911." I didn't wait for the answer, but my guess is that for 99 per cent an image of Iraq flitted into mind.

Yet, almost everyone who keeps informed knows that we invaded this tiny helpless country. Why? Oil? It is hardly a secret that In two years the human race will squeeze the last drop from the World.1 So why are the President's pals trashing Iraq meanwhile transferring trillions of dollars of our taxes to their blotted bank accounts?

And why do citizens of a nation that claims to be civilized, acquiesce to their military's open, internationally-known, plain -sight brutality: viciousness like the attack on civilian hospitals in Fallujah, were troops led by U. S. Marines handcuffed doctors, throwing half of the bed patients outside, including sick and U. S. injured children, looting, taking everything a doctor could use, torching Fallujah Main, then “cleaning up” with poison gas and napalm—2 as published by international media, but ignored in the U.S. Why do we allow it? Are we frozen in disbelief. Is our presence so terrible that we are unable to comprehend reality? Will we defer to the more and more persistent rumors of an invasion in Iran3 rumored as scheduled for June?

Remember "Shock and awe?" It seems a millennium ago, but I predict it will go done in history, if there is to be any, as the only true statement Bush has uttered. How many of us remember Hitler's rise? This Bush band of criminals means to control the world, and with an iron hand. Fallujuh is an example.

We desperately need a leader: a man with unimpeachable principles: a limited commodity: but, the citizens need to know we have one. For support regarding my choice, download Charles Cropley, ND, 4 international lecturer, and read his account of his discovery of Congressman Dennis Kucinich, the man both of us know: The hero who lives by The Golden Rule. But it wasn’t always so for Congressman Kucinich.

Son of Polish immigrants, born on "the wrong side of tracks," probably in a junked car in a dunp,5 Kucinich went to work at age 10 to help support 6 little sisters. Before he was 17, he had enrolled in 21 schools. That 17th year he walked into a library and fell in love with books. Two and a half years later he gradated from City University, while holding down a full-time job in the steel mills, earning his degree in literature and philosophy.

One of the memories etched indelibly into Dennis’s memory was of his parents at the kitchen table counting pennies to pay the heat bill. Now he concentrated on clean, affordable city power, heat for the poor. The week he gained his 23rd birthday, the minimum age required, he beat the Republican nominee for a seat on Cleveland City Council. At age 31, he became the youngest Mayor of a major city in recorded history.

5,6 His second day in office a coalition of bankers demanded that he give them the city power plant. As he angrily showed them out, they threatened to bankrupt the city. They did it. They pocketed city funds, then surreptiously whispered the villain name: “Kucinich.”

He lost his next campaign. His reputation followed him. He couldn’t find a job. He couldn’t support his family.

Forced to he sent his wife and baby home, bewildered, broke, desperately lonely, mourning, he wandered. It was here that he prepared to run for President, prepared to be taunted and vilified by a media and the corporations that controlled it, corporations terrified of the possibility that voters might be introduced to this man who would be their champion— and who had proved that he would hold them8 accountable for their dealings.

Fifteen years passed so. Then The City ofCleveland learned the truth. The City Council begged forgiveness, begged him to come home. They needed him.

He returned as the community hero, to annual Kucinich Weeks, Kucinich picnics, Kucinich fairs: Cleveland voters had learned their lesson: —for eleven years he has won with as much as 78 percent.

About those years alone, he says "I have been proven. I have been tempered in the fires of hell. I have walked in the desert through pillars of flame": such reference's to the Bible come from Dennis easily.

They go back to his years as a choir boy in a church, largely black, the community that trained his glorious, unbelievable, beautiful voice, where he still returns to the little house he bought his parents with his "first long-pants job.”

I once asked him how, living among corporate greed and accepted corporate crime, he has kept from straying. His face split, the wide grin showing his white teeth, then he told me about his “mentor: the ancient black lady from his childhood calls him every morning asking, “Have you said your Golden Rule.” The Golden Rule, a philosophy directly opposite to corporate greed which makes him dangerous to them—even more directly than they are to all of us.

We need a President who would face Enron like Dennis faced the Cleveland bankers: a man who is a 9 philosopher, musician, poet: the man the Gandi family and the Dalia Lama supported for President, facts the media never reported, a man about whom main street media, owned body and soul by corporate America, made a pact to see his name in print only as negative. Unable to find negatives, they took the next best route to keep their dishonorable pact.

No 2004 voter ever knew that Congressman Kucinich has won the Internationally sought Gandhi Peace Award, or knew that The Gandhi Family and the Dalia Lamma traveled with Dennis him to the crowds that followed him from Boston to San Antoinio and on and on.

When doorbelling, the slowest possible advertising, finally awoke voters to recognize his name and the last states to caucus voted for Kucinich overwhelmingly, his votes were completely omitted from the daily news reports. ignored on radio and TV.

Even when Ganny D, a women in her 70s, walked from Florida to San Francisco posting his name, then led a crowd of a thousand across the Golden Gatebridge, not one photo or word appeared in the news.

When I, as a crippled 83 year old, pushed my walker 3 miles in a rally photographers lined up for a picture, then yanked each others cameras off sight when they saw my Kucinich sign.

If this growing control of press doesn't frighten you, it should. Control of press is a tool for those who peddle fear and turn it into a murder and terror. The question that should be asked now is, “Who are the terrorists.” One answer is “Who has the WMDs?” The answer is the U.S. U. S. not only has them but is using every one of them, supposedly to stop the Iraqis from using them. That is what I call pretzelized logic.

Three hundred years ago, our First Congress established a Department of War: But General Washington, having lead men into battle, was intent on a Department for Peace.

Our hero of this piece, Congressman, brilliant scholar, biblical student, poet, musician, voice for the disinherited, of the suffering and the masses, the man who listens to an ancient each morning reminding him of The Golden Rule carries General Washington’s banner for a Department of Peace.

Honoring George Washington, Congressman Kucinich will present the bill for the DOP to Congress, September 6. 2005. For 300 years it has lanquished in the shadows. Now we need one desperately.

WRITER'S CREDITS: I wrote the first article published under my by-line 71 years ago. Subsequently, twenty-six earned awards. Mike Lowry, Stew Udall, Secretary of the Interior under three Presidents, and others, read my work before Congress, both national and state. Work in progress: auto-bio,editor-ready, 2 historical sequels and a collection of my weekly columns.
Emily Horswill, 3333 148st SW., Lynnwood, Wa. 98037:; 425 -741-540

Letter:My Reputation


When I set forth as journalist 71 years ago, I did so solemnly taking an oath to report the whole truth, to inform citizen-voters as fits a Republic striving for Democracy. Yet events that are clearly news are shamefully under-published, or ignored by U.S. media.

On June 7, 05, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer published my letter regarding such a situ. The response was voluminous: readers and the PI asked for my documentation which I provided. ( On June 10, the PI published a letter condemning me on the basis that I have none!

Ms. Ordell, also, wrote that the Palestinians are fully compensated for bulldozed dwellings, 4,700 by UN count, 5/03 !! Even Ms. Ordell's accusation of my lying (see her "a child") is not factual." She obviously has no idea of hundreds of thousands displaced, wandering, hungry and thirsty. Were the 18 that the bulldozer driver buried alive adequately compensated? ditto the blind? All such situations are reported repeatedly ( Where are Ms. Ordell's sources?

Again, CAMERA (6/23) published condemnations further condemnations quoting NYT, LA Times, Arizona Daily Star and Tucson Citizen!

Only if some editor publishes the truth, or by involving an attorney, can I re-instate my reputation.

I wrote the first article published under my by-line 71 years ago. Subsequently, twenty-six articles and weekly columns earned awards. Mike Lowry, Stew Udall, Secretary of the Interior under three Presidents, and others, read my work before Congress, both national and state: auto-bio, in progress; 2 historical sequels and a collection of my weekly columns, editor-ready.
Emily Horswill, 3333 148st SW., Lynnwood, Wa. 98037:; 425 -741-5401,

Friday, July 15, 2005

Documentation for Israeli Article published in Seattle PI

Documentation for Israeli Article published in Seattle PI 6/7/2005

Media Ignores NYTimes Journalist Chris Hedges Shocking Revelations.

The following URLs are the documentation to support the statements made in the OpEd published in the Seattle PI on 6/7/2005 by Emily Horswill in the Letters to the Editor section with a title of "Have Israeli soldiers adapted Hitler's methods?"