Tuesday, September 01, 2009


No, Obama, I will have nothing nothing to do with the OPTION PLAN.

Did you understand that these super-rich, who control the press are telling the poor and least informed citizens that the very health plan they, the speakers have, is a government plan to euthanize grandpa. I suggest you ask them which of them has had a grandparent euthanized. Disgusting!
How many nations are there in the World? Most of the industrialized have single-payer health plans; however,The Third World is catching up. For one reason, single-payer plans reduce a nation's health cost by 50%. The Option will bankrupt us, would put any nation's finances in a deep freeze. But governments don't pay their employees billon-dollar bonuses, don't have office buildings with six stories of workers like that one in Washington, DC., and a similar in every major city.

Options won't work. The for-profits sign up the young/healthy, leaving the government option plans carrying the ill/aged, thus unable to survive. As for all those people in Canada and Europe with single-payer programs standing in line for care, it's easy to prove that that's a bunch lies: ask them. I did. No Canadian politician would dare to suggest touching their single-payer medical plan. On this side of the border, unless you belong in the top 2 per cent financially, it's grim reality, that, once our medical machine has emptied our pockets, we can only get care for an emergency. I have a reality example:

While he waited to become an emergency, the tumor in his brain grew from operable to inoperable. If we had a single-payer medical plan, he would be playing football. Instead with a tumor in his brain that has grown to the the size of a baseball, he dies slowly in increasing agony. This is my child. Only luck keeps it from being yours.
This isn't an isolated case. It strikes the young adults, the thousands who don't have medical insurance, because they can't afford it. This is killing—planned killing. It's planned, for-profit killing, in any nation of laws, murder. In any nation of law, murder is a crime. And don't think you will leave the grandkids a little nest egg: The corporations will/are turning our pockets inside-out before we die.
These leaders, top echelon, of the medical corporations, know it. When thousands of us at meetings tried to discuss medical planning with leaders, thugs screamed, pounded on walls, shouted, cursed, anything to disrupt our talk. I can guess who did it. Also, they publish lies in the media they control, like that a government plan would euthanize grandparents! Sounds to me like desperation. Now all we have do is keep the heat on.

In his last talk to the nation, that wonderful, touching speech, Obama didn't mention any of this. He did suggest that he and his friends in Congress pay co-pay, as we now do, which could fund a national single-payer plan. That we could accept. It will do what's necessary: that is, it will destroy the Corporations. We are almost there. We need to drop it on them that they are criminals, to further reverse the situation, we need to whisper a word: "Jail" That's where criminals go in nation operating under law.

Obama, will you call it what is? Do you have the courage? Will you see it for what it is? If not, is it the last chance? We are a fine hairline away from being a Fascist Dicatorship which is not the best direction for care, caring and patched jeans. Dumping these so-called medical health corporations would democratize us a tad.

Obama, your Option PLAN WON'T WORK. The FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS dump all the sick, old and poor, and those they have impoverished onto the Government plan. That swamps it. And Obama, if you do manage to stop that hole, there will be another.The only way U.S. citizens will get a decent medical care is to tell these corporations to find a way to make a living other than through perpetuating suffering, agony and DEATH: That will recommit to the U.S.to the legal path. Once we brand these killers what they are, it should be easier to push it through. Do you have the will?

You need to face these corporate killers and tell them that if they hang around, a judge and jury might find them different quarters.
Emily -

Saturday, August 08, 2009

 These Corporations Commit Murder. And President Obama Where Do You Fit?

U.S. is the only industrialized nation in our sphere that doesn't have a government operated, single-payer medical program? It gives the best health care for half the cost. That's of record. That is also the reason that we have spread the truth. Corporations have bought the main stream press and, worse yet, they do it with our money, the billions of dollars they impoverish us of, they get from our pain and suffering. A Government plan doesn't pay CEOs billion-dollar bonuses. The health corporations are buying the media to keep the truth out of the press. If the citizens get even a trickle of this, the pigs wouldn't have a chance to continue keeping us sick slurping our agony. 

Wake up. Take a look around you. We are only developed nation that still staggers along with privately paid and administered health care, accepting planned  pauperization at our graves. Go to google and download health care in Norway. The Norwegians have had a single-payer health care since 800 A.D. They established it at their first gathering, their "All Thing" where they met to direct their "king" regarding how would rule if he intended to keep his job. 

 Just in case you still have doubts, read on: three years ago my son-in-law died of cancer. He was young and strong, so it took about eighteen months and when it was over my daughter had nothing. I had nothing and her Uncle also. All five of their rentals, the ones upon which she had proudly done every bit of the maintenance, belonged to their bank: ditto all 12 acres of their land five miles from the ocean. Health corporations own the bank. She now could only go to doctor as an "emergency." That's "on a waiting list." That's how they missed the tumor that is squeezing and sucking the life from her brain. It is too late. The Health Corporations took everything we had and then, from their new private planes, left her to die. She is dying slowly suffering terribly,every minute, 48 hours of every day, enduring the pressure directly on the nerves in her brain that these animals prescribed. That's murder.These two-legged snakes should be in jail. And Obama, where do you fit? 

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Australia's health care  covers every citizen equally and completely for half what it costs U.S. to cover the privileged and the rich because the rich pharmaceutical corporations wish to control the nation and the President. What happened to "executive privilege."  

Saturday, January 24, 2009


today I have approved the cover on my book to be printed as of now. How much will a book cost me? How much should I charge the library? These I will ask the publisher iuniverse.