Sunday, July 17, 2005

as in PI 76/7Israeli/Palestinian

All: On June 6 the P I published this.


According to Eric Nelson's story, "East Jerusalem plan provokes protest," (Thursday, June 2, by Eric Nelson) the Israelis are about to stand by and watch yet another brutal Israeli crime perpetrated against their neighbors, and I think of Ann Frank, the little Jewish girl who became a symbol of Hitler's crimes against the Jewish people. I wonder how the Israeli citizens can justify this. How can they bear watching 88 more of their neighbors homes destroyed.

I cried when I read Ann Franks story and I cringed in shame and horror at the recent story of the Jewish soldiers who tormented and threatened the Palestinian child about the same age of Ann Frank, then, when the little school girl responded, killed her. "Enough," I thought. "Surely, the Israeli citizens will stand up and shout, "Enough." But the heinous cruelty goes on. It seems the Israeli's have adapted Hitler's methods well. How much longer till the rest of the world gets involved and finds a jail cell for the Israeli crime ring.

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